
Voo2do.com: "Oops, actually we're not out of business"

As previously reported on this blog, there's no free ride. The mea culpa splash screen, adorned with vegetation and earth tones, is pleasant enough, but low on professionalism. After several days of unacknowledged down time, the Voo2do.com manager posted a message today that, so far as can be determined, is predated to the 16th.
We regret to inform you that the server behind these sites has suffered an unexpected failure. . . I apologize for this inconvenience and am working to get things fixed ASAP.


Shimon Rura said...


I'm the guy behind Voo2do. While I agree that it's risky to become dependent on a free service, I wanted to say that I take the responsibility of serving several thousand users very seriously. I have no intention of abandoning Voo2do, and stake my reputation as a software developer in part on its continued operation.

Unfortunately, this crash was severe enough that it took several days to fix. During these days I had very little time because I was traveling and participating in conferences, and I lost a fair bit of sleep working to restore Voo2do. I put fixing Voo2do ahead of other services such as my personal websites which were on the same server. The tree theme was just something I already had in a Google Web Publisher account, and I didn't back-date it, although it may have taken a day or so for your computer to see the Google address instead of the old broken server's address. Very little data was actually lost, thanks to an automated nightly backup process.

I know this sounds defensive. Mainly, what I wanted to say was that we developers know when users are depending on us, and we don't take lightly the prospect of letting you down. If there's a problem, I know I will do whatever I can to resolve it for my users, and I'll often wish I could do more.

Shimon Rura

knowlengr said...


Thanks for the thoughtful reply.

Voo2do.com was missed in part because you've done such a great (read thankless) job heretofore. Thank you.

I accept your explanations in whole. Perhaps you should ask users to chip in a bit for server RAID (though even with that, server rebuilds can be nontrivial even for full time admins).

That Google's search indexing failed to identify other blogs and users who also noticed the outage I attribute to their commerce-centric practices and not to indifference.